How Many States Did Trump Win On Super Tuesday

how many states did trump win on super tuesday
how many states did trump win on super tuesday

Super Tuesday is a pivotal day in the race for the presidential nomination, offering a substantial number of delegates and states for the candidates to secure. This year, the question on many people’s minds is: How many states did Trump win on Super Tuesday? Let’s delve into the numbers and find out.

Republican Delegates up for Grabs

On Super Tuesday, Republicans have a total of 865 delegates up for grabs. To secure the nomination, a candidate needs to win 1,215 out of the 2,429 total delegates. Therefore, approximately 35% of the delegates will be determined on this crucial day.

Democratic Delegates at Stake

For Democrats, Super Tuesday is equally significant. There are 1,420 delegates, accounting for approximately 36% of the total delegates, up for grabs on this day. To secure the Democratic nomination, a candidate must be awarded 1,968 out of the available 3,394 delegates.

It is important to note that Super Tuesday’s delegates hold immense importance, as history has shown. In the 2008 election, nearly 50% of the delegates were awarded on this day, according to Barbara Norrander, an emeritus professor at the University of Arizona School of Government and Public Policy.

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What is Super Tuesday?

Super Tuesday is a crucial day in the US presidential nomination process. It typically occurs in early March and involves multiple states holding primary elections or caucuses on the same day. The high number of delegates up for grabs on Super Tuesday often impacts a candidate’s chances of securing the nomination.


Super Tuesday holds significant weight in the race for the presidential nomination, with a substantial number of delegates and states at stake. For Republicans, 865 delegates are up for grabs, while Democrats will be competing for 1,420 delegates. The outcome of Super Tuesday can potentially provide a significant advantage to the candidates, propelling them closer to securing their party’s nomination. Stay tuned to Trends News for the latest updates and analysis on this crucial event.

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